My dearest wife

Created by Jibunohadim 9 years ago
Mabel,a power pack of beauty,grace,laughter and Godliness.Never a dull moment with you.Your aura of Care,joy and love encapsulates and reverberates all that are around you. Your loving impact in the Children ministry at our local Parish,your motherhood role,your gift of love to friends,staff,enemies and people lingers on.Tributes,messages and outpour of emotions from your friends attest to this.You were loved and you also loved. Sports without measure was you-A sprinter of great measure.At Bida,your Alma Mata,you glowed and shone at track events. In Marriage,it was 21 years of sheer bliss and love.I had thought we will go on to 50 and more years of this union but God wanted you more. You were my conscience,you questioned,tasked my instincts and moves.You were my soulmate,sister and an enigma. You were more than a Golden mother that loved and cared for your four Children immeasurably. Family was key to you. You stood for Family-You loved Family-whether nuclear or extended,you loved family. Mabilos,you were a dogged fighter,tenacious,resilient and had an uncanny can do spirit-You were a motivator.In the hospital bed,you fought like a Bull,but God wanted you more.When I showed weakness in my eyes,whilst at your side,you held up your hands to hold me-Your cold hands gave me a subtle assurance that All will be well.It is always well with you Mabel. You recall as l held your hands in the last minutes with you at the hospital,I whispered that I will love you forever- I indeed would,because you have a splendid heart-a good and great heart.That promise remains indelible till we meet again on resurrection day my darling. The length of your life was short but in quality terms, it was impactful,you touched people in your most unique way.Your children would carry on where you stopped,spreading that gift and aura of love,joy and peace. Sleep and rest well my love until we meet again. Adim-Husband.